Online videos continue to grow

More people than ever are watching videos online. is in the lead YouTube, the video platform of Google.
In the US in October 2008 were around 13,5 billion videos considered, more than 45 percent more than last year. This is what the market research company ComScore found out. Almost 150 million people, ie around 77 percent of Internet visitors in the USA, watched the videos.
ComScore found that 80 percent of Internet visitors are between the ages of 18 and 34, making this segment the strongest. Google set a new record this month and was able to more than 100 million visitors to win. This means that two out of three Internet surfers who watched videos on the Internet were on YouTube.
Our web agency is fully committed to this trend and offers to our editorial systems and maintenance modules special video modules so that our customers can use the new video technology. Take Contact with us, we would be happy to advise you!

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