Webshop publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences online...

In cooperation with the company amethyst we have for the Publisher of the Austrian Academy of Sciences implemented the new web shop. You can visit the webshop online at http://verlag.oeaw.ac.at visit.

Publisher of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Publisher of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

In January 1973 the Publisher of the Austrian Academy of Sciences was founded with the task of publishing the latest research findings at a high quality level, selling them nationally and internationally and thus offering Austrian science a suitable publication forum.
In the meantime, more than 700 scientists from over 30 nations write here every year for scientists and for the ever-growing group of people interested in scientific discourse. The quality of these publications is guaranteed by a top-class publication advisory board.
We have them for you Features of the web shop summarized:

  • The most modern web shop based on Web 2.0 with a shopping cart system and customer management
  • Extensive integration with the Hyperwave Information Server
  • Chapters can be combined virtually into books via a separate XML interface
  • Possibilities of sorting and research (year of publication, title, author, volume) as well as depiction of comprehensive subject areas (Egyptology, archaeology, Asian studies, the Middle Ages, modern history, oriental studies, etc.)
implemented the new web shop for the publisher of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. You can visit the web shop online at http://verlag.oeaw.ac.at.
In January 1973, the publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences was founded with the task of publishing the latest research findings at a high quality level, selling them nationally and internationally and thus offering Austrian science a suitable publication forum.
In the meantime, more than 700 scientists from over 30 nations write here every year for scientists and for the ever-growing group of people interested in scientific discourse. The quality of these publications is guaranteed by a top-class publication advisory board.

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