Jakob Gutschlhofer: new intern...

We proudly present one of our interns Jacob Gutschlhofer, the Indian Koerblerbranch in Graz puts his skills to the test.
Jakob is just completing the HTL Kaindorf an der Sulm for IT and organization and is a young, determined programmer who wants to continue his education alongside school. His strengths lie in the areas of PHP, HTML and CSS. Most of his skills came from school, but Jakob has also continued his education himself with the internet and numerous specialist books.

The Koerbler he is working on the project”Hairdresser check“. Hairdressercheck is a platform for hairdressers and hairdresser customers to upload and rate their haircuts. The hairdresser himself can also be rated. In any case, we hope that you will have a lot of fun with our new platform, Jakob definitely has a lot of fun developing it further.
In the near future you will also get to know one or the other intern from us...