Introducing: Stefan Denk, Software Development

Comes from…
the handsome German Goritz.
join Koerbler...
Software development for KundenMeister.
His work at Koerbler...
is the extension of the CRM software Kundenmeister. He's working on the various modules, in particular with JavaScript Framework - ExtJs. His attention is on the detail, but of course he never loses sight of the big picture. He is constantly expanding his knowledge on the web, but also through his reference works such as ExtJS - in a nutshell.


His favorite app...
is "runtastic" to be Android Phone. An application with which you can follow your training progress. An interesting app that uses statistics to show you where you can still improve, or where you are slacking off in training because you are not yet perfectly dividing your strength.

His favorite website...
is die Press, because he always finds out about the most important events there. He hasn't read real newspapers for a long time and thus clearly saves on paper waste. In addition, there is not only one issue in the morning, but is always live and up to date.

His favorite film or video clip…
is among other things the most moving Speech by Steve Jobs at Stanford University: “Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address” A touching story about life and how it sometimes works itself out. Also an interesting insight into the life story of Steve Jobs himself, the co-founder of Apple.

His favorite tool...
is very clear Google Chrome: It's simply more fun for him to develop on faster and more modern browsers, but a test on other browsers is still necessary.

For the future he expects to join Koerbler...
projects with satisfied customers, involving development and internal and external collaboration Fun power.