Lecture “Social Media Marketing”

Social Media MarketingMore and more customers are using the World Wide Web as a source of information about products and service providers, and above all as a large shopping center. Whether and for whom a Facebook presence makes sense, how it needs to be designed and how an online shop needs to be designed to present your company professionally on the Internet and give you a business advantage were the central themes of the two workshops. DI Mario Körbler, MBA, expert for digital media, answered all questions about social media and setting up a web shop in two morning workshops.
In its new project, the W3 region focuses on medium-sized companies in the region: Sustainable, successful growth of SMEs is a decisive factor here in the border region, which is why we offer information and networks beyond the borders.

Social Media Marketing
Koerbler is a specialist in digital marketing and also supports your company in the field of social media marketing!