Pokémon GO - 7 tips on how your business can benefit from the viral hit!

Pokémon Go in the Körbler officePokémon GO is currently on everyone's lips and the favorite pastime of numerous smartphone owners.
While the game is becoming increasingly popular and growing faster than any other mobile game, companies are now also taking advantage of the hype surrounding the augmented reality game.
With Pokémon GO the increase sales – we will tell you how!
More and more people are following the trend and are looking for the virtual pocket monsters with their smartphones all over the world. The game is tied to the cell phone's GPS and shows a map of the immediate area on the screen as well as the character that starts moving as soon as the smartphone user moves.
If a Pokémon appears in the landscape, it can be caught with a Poké Ball. Such Pokéballs can in turn be collected in so-called Pokéstops. And this is exactly where it gets interesting for many entrepreneurs.
If there is a Pokéstop or even an "Arena" directly or in the immediate vicinity of the company's location, the right strategy can attract new customers and thus increase sales.

Tip #1: Explore the area for Pokéstops and Gyms

First, install Pokémon GO on your smartphone and make sure your business is at best on or near a Pokéstop, Gym, or Arena. Basically, the locations where the meeting points important for the game are located are predefined worldwide by the game developer Niantic. In the future, however, there will be sponsored places so that restaurants, dealers or other companies will soon be able to buy such a meeting place for their business and thus generate new walk-in customers.

Tip #2: Buy a decoy module and inform customers about the use

To get there faster, players can buy digital tools for real money. These tools include so-called “lure modules” that can be installed in a Pokéstop. As a company, you can benefit from such lure modules, as they allow more Pokémon to appear nearby. A lure module can be bought via the app for 99 cents and lures Pokémons for 30 minutes and thus also more customers.
More information about the prices of the lock modules can be found in a Article by Giga.

Tip #3: Post screenshots of Pokémon at your farm

For many businesses, Pokémon GO not only represents another marketing channel, but also new advertising opportunities. Facebook, Twitter & Co. are therefore ideal for sending messages about offered lure modules, items, special offers or simply cute pictures of the Pokémon in your shop Post.

Tip #4: Offer attractive special offers for Pokémon players

Whether discounts, sweepstakes or other promotions - think about attractive advantages to attract your customers. Selling your own Pokémon products can also be part of this: stuffed animals for the little ones, mobile batteries for extreme gamers, or special insurance offers for the unwary with tunnel vision. There are no limits to your creativity here!

Tip #5: Give away items to your customers

Various objects, so-called items, which are required by the players (e.g. smoke bombs to attract particularly valuable Pokémon) can be bought by companies from the game operators and offered to their own customers free of charge.

Tip #6: Offer WiFi and enough outlets

In order to keep Pokémon players and thus customers longer in your business, you should definitely provide them with WiFi and, if possible, sufficient sockets - the app is not only important for its entertainment value, but also for its enormous data and Known battery usage.

Tip #7: Take a look at numerous best practices

Of course, bars and restaurants in particular can benefit from the hype surrounding the Pokémon GO game. If there is an arena or a Pokéstop here, numerous players will look for a place to spend hours hunting monsters while consuming drinks and snacks. But other companies can also expand their marketing strategy with creative ideas, as numerous best practices show: A Viennese car dealer offers a 20 percent discount on windscreen wipers and engine oil for customers who catch a Pokémon on the company premises; a juice bar in America gives players a free smoothie if they attract more guests via the app.
Read the best Pokemon Go examples German company.