The 3 most important questions to ask your search engine optimizer...

Under the adress I found a very interesting list of questions for a potential search engine consultant. The original list includes 10 questions to ask your potential search engine optimization consultant before hiring them to optimize your website. I have summarized the three most important questions for you and supplemented them with my own experiences...

  1. What guarantees can he give?
    If the answer is anything other than "none," then you should look for an alternative... Nobody owns the search engines -- except the search engine companies. Let references convince you!
  2. Will he make changes and additions to your website?
    Changes and extensions to your existing internet presence are crucial for successful search engine optimization. Many graphics, animations or Flash content are counterproductive and should be avoided if possible. Sitemaps and meaningful headings are helpful, search engines like them...
  3. What is his approach to linking?
    In addition to the content, links are one of the decisive criteria for long-term, good positioning in the search engines. Your consultant should know this and try to get as many links on your internet presentation as possible...

Under the adress find all 10 questions

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